We carry out cooperative joint ventures in different projects, looking for added value to develop new products. Planting, R&D, processing, packaging, storage, sales to export, becoming an agricultural company with rich experience and knowledge that can play different roles.
The origin is the United States as the central production area, and Argentina is developed as a new planting center in South America.
Cooperate with the industry and the National Agricultural Research Institute in technical research, and set up nursery farms to cultivate healthy grafted seedlings based on local water quality, climate and soil conditions.
Olive trees require a special natural environment, like warm and dry can not tolerate low temperatures below minus 12 degrees Celsius. Requires warm and long winters, hot and dry summers, plenty of sunshine, mostly sandy and pollution-free soils
Charcoal is the product of incomplete combustion or pyrolysis of wood in the absence of air. Charcoal has no open flame, is flammable, smokeless, has a high calorific value, and is a good heat source for barbecues. Olive charcoal has its own natural body aroma characteristics, and it has better flavor and aroma when used on barbecues.
Olive wood is rich in oil, has striking and unique wood grain, and has high hardness and is not easy to mold. Based on the properties of olive wood, composite and plywood used to develop various kitchen tools or to make cooking can provide maximum cutting stability and pressure resistance at the same time.
Olive trees are crops of high economic value, from the fruit to the leaves and even the wood itself. For the raw material that can no longer produce olives, use its special appearance, irregular and complex wood grain to design a full range of eye-catching and unique products.
Various by-products are additionally produced in the refining process of soybean crude oil: such as puffed soybeans, defatted and ground soybean meal, soybean meal that does not destroy properties and maintains its quality, and its high energy and high protein properties are well fed in animal feeds Effect.
It is collected from breeding areas all over the country, and different varieties are obtained according to the plant characteristics of each province. The multi-flower honey collection is a honey that is naturally formed by collecting the nectar of two or more kinds of nectar source plants at the same time.
Milk is such a natural food with a high level of nutrition. Different products are made from it, such as different types of cheese and butter.With raw material from the province of Buenos Aires and Córdoba, two areas recognized for the excellent quality of milk in Argentina
Para poder abastecer las necesidades de nuestro campo y con el objetivo de desarrollar las plántulas cultivadas desde el inicio, adaptando a las condiciones climáticas y del suelo, mejorando el rendimiento de la misma.
El pecan es una especie de planta juglandácea del género Carya. El fruto, comestible, se denomina pacana o nuez de pecan. Puede llegar a más de 40 m de altura, de corteza gris claro o parda.
Olivo manzanilla, es la variedad más difundida en el mundo, utilizándose el fruto como aceituna de mesa. El árbol es de vigor reducido, la productividad es alta y de carácter alternante, la recolección se realiza a mano.
Producto que de la rapidez del carbón vegetal, obteniendo el brasa perfecto y el toque aromático característico de la leña de olivo. Especial para preparar barbacoas con mejor sabores y aromas.
Basando en las cualidades de la madera de olivo, las tablas compuestas o unidos entre sí para cocina, proporciona la máxima estabilidad al cortar y resistencia a la presión al mismo tiempo.
La madera de olivo tiene una apariencia muy característica y apreciada. La irregularidad de sus vetas y los complejos dibujos que forman hacen que cada pieza sea única,
La leche un alimento tan natural con alto nivel de nutritivo, de ella se elabora diferentes productos como diferentes tipos de quesos y mantecas. Con materia prima proveniente de provincia de Buenos Aires y Córdoba, dos zonas reconocidas por la excelente calidad de leche en la Argentina
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